Sunday Morning Worship for the Whole Family

Every Sunday at 10:45 am in the Worship Center

Come be encouraged by hearing God's Word taught, singing His praises and spending time with fellow believers. Whether you have had a relationship with God for years, or are wanting to learn who God is, you are welcome at First Baptist Church of Oceanside. During the first part of Sunday Worship at 10:45 am, kids worship along with their parents. Then, preschool and K-6 grades are dismissed before the Bible teaching for a time of studying the Bible at their level along with games, music, and activities.


Our Current Sunday Morning Series: Jesus is Coming!

Pastor Adam is teaching through 1 & 2 Thessalonians in his series titled - Jesus is Coming! -"Having a correct understanding of future things impacts how Christians live now. The Thessalonian church had some questions and misunderstandings, so Paul addresses the confusion and encourges them, and us to live to glorify Jesus while waiting for Hime to come."


FBCO Youth Group

Wednesday Nights from 6:30- 8 at the Smith Home

All students grades 7th-12th are welcome to join us for Youth Group! We meet Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm at the Smith home. Please talk to Adam or Julie or call the church office for the address. We hang out, study God's Word together, play games, and have snacks. We would love for you to join us!


Operation Chritmas Child

Christmas in July

School supplies are on sale in the summer, so it is a good time to stock up on them for our Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes! We want to share gifts and the love of Jesus with kids throughout the world. We will be collecting packed shoeboxes in November, but now is the time to get supplies on sale! We will have an area in the back of the Worship Center where you can drop off your donations during the month of July. Thank you for your generosity!


TV & Computer Recycling Drive

August 3 From 9 am to Noon

We will be hosting a TV and Computer Recycling Drive for the community in our Church Parking Lot on August 3 from 9 am to Noon. Please no batteries, appliances, or furniture.


Patio Music Cafe

Friday, August 23 at 7 pm on the Church Patio

Everyone is welcome to this community event! Come hear live music from The Bobbleheads, eat desserts, and get to know your Oceanside neighbors! This is a free event for all ages! Join us on the First Baptist Church of Oceanside Patio on Friday, August 23 at 7 pm!


We Want to Stay in Touch!

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