Sunday Morning Worship for the Whole Family
Every Sunday at 10:45 am in the Worship Center
Come be encouraged by hearing God's Word taught, singing His praises and spending time with fellow believers. Whether you have had a relationship with God for years, or are wanting to learn who God is, you are welcome at First Baptist Church of Oceanside. During the first part of Sunday Worship at 10:45 am, kids worship along with their parents. Then, preschool and K-6 grades are dismissed before the Bible teaching for a time of studying the Bible at their level along with games, music, and activities.
Our Current Sermon Series - How It All Began
Sunday Mornings at 10:45 am
Pastor Adam is teaching through Genesis in his series titled - How It All Began
"God created mankind to have a special relationship with Him. However, mankid rebelled against God, and God set his plan in motion to redeem and reconcile mankind to Himself."
FBCO Youth Group
Wednesday Nights from 6:30- 8 pm at the Smith Home
All students grades 7th-12th are welcome to join us for Youth Group! We meet Wednesdays from 6:30-8 pm at the Smith home. Please talk to Adam or Julie or call the church office for the address. We hang out, study God's Word together, play games, and have snacks. We would love for you to join us!
Well...Isn't That Clever!
Friday, March 7 @ 7 pm
Everyone is invited to Well...Isn't That Clever! -Our Annual Church Talent Show and Bake-Off! Come taste all the delicious desserts and vote for your favorites, then enjoy the show! Our church has got talent! If you would like to particiapate in either the talent show or bake-off, please sign up on the sheet on the back table in the Worship Center.This is a fun night for the whole family and all ages may participate! Join us on Friday, March 7 at 7 pm for Well...Isn't That Clever!
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